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Health Care
As a medical doctor from Harvard and a professor of health law at UNLV, David understands health care. He’s fought to promote the health of Nevadans by:
Increasing price transparency of prescription drugs.
Voting to expand health care coverage to Nevadans across the state.
Voting to improve the wages and other working conditions of home health care workers.
Working on a legislative proposal to ensure that hospitals do not overcharge patients.
Housing Affordability
For many Nevadans, housing is becoming harder to afford. The cost of buying a house or renting an apartment has skyrocketed in the past few years. This disproportionately affects low-income and minority groups in Nevada. David has voted to secure safe and stable housing and will continue to fight for affordable housing. He voted to:
Create a new program to fund the construction of affordable housing
Streamline the approval process for affordable housing projects
Increase rental assistance for low-income tenants
Remove barriers to the building of less expensive tiny homes
Protect tenants from eviction and increase tenant and landlord access to federal rental assistance programs
Our children deserve a first-class education. As an educator, David knows what needs to be done to change the direction of education in our state. He’s shown that in Carson City. From recruiting more teachers to the state to ensuring our schools are better funded, David’s worked hard for Nevada’s future. He:
Supported the largest education budget in state history
Voted for legislation to make our schools safer and to enhance career development programs for high school students interested in becoming teachers
Voted to extend school bonding capacity so school districts can build new buildings and renovate existing ones
Supported legislation to help high school students and their families take full advantage of their opportunities for financial aid for college
Climate Change​
Nevada is already experiencing the effects of climate change – we must lead other states and take direct action to mitigate the effects and reverse the damage that has been done so far. David’s voting record on climate demonstrates strong leadership. David:
Voted to recognize Nevadans’ right to clean drinking water and ensure protection of our water from pollution.
Voted for the Clean Energy for All bill to speed our transition to solar, wind, and other renewable energy and ensure we achieve our climate goals.
Supported expansion of our electric vehicle charging infrastructure to ensure we meet Governor Sisolak’s clean car standards.
Reproductive Rights
David has long been a champion for women's rights and reproductive freedoms, and he will continue to ensure that women in Nevada have the right to choose what they do with their bodies. He understands that those decisions should be made between women and their doctors. David is the only pro-choice candidate on the ballot in Assembly District 20 this November, and with Roe v Wade struck down, now more than ever we need someone to preserve the right to abortion in Nevada. David will:
Support legislation to expand access to reproductive health care for all Nevadans
Vote to strengthen the right to choose and protect it from those who want to restrict abortion access.
Support legislation aimed at protecting women who travel to Nevada to seek reproductive care in our state.